Celle Seminar I, Case 17: Chronic Gastritis
domen. Furthermore, we eventually find out while interrogating on the line of Argentum nitricum and Lycopodium with a lot of gas, that she does not have bloatedness in the abdomen, that her organism does not retain or produce a lot of gas. What is happening here? We also have another symptom: she says that she lies with a hot-water bottle under her abdomen. You know that for a duodenal ulcer, which is better lying on abdomen, we have a very prominent remedy: Elaps. So, we go and study this remedy. Then you come to the question of gurgling. I tackled the problem by asking direct questions. When I asked the questions about water and such, I was more or less close to the solution of the problem. But I was still struggling because I misunderstood things; I did not understand the case from reading it alone. So, you see how careful you have to be.
(A. 11): Your description of the strong emotions that are not filtered by the brain but go right into the affected organ could be confirmed with another remedy which also has a tendency towards cramping pains in the stomach or esophagus, and which also has this gurgling noise as a keynote. I got the impression that she was not in constant pain, but that the pains came suddenly. If that is the case, I would think more of the remedy I now have in my head.
(G.V.): No, don’t say it.
(A. 12): If it is the same remedy I am thinking of, there is a possibility that she can’t sleep in an abdominal position. This remedy is also associated with an abdominal position. I could look it up in Kent. Should I say more?
(G.V.): What else can you say about it?
(A.12): A number of points fit that remedy very well.
(G.V.): She also had some diarrhea from anticipation, which would also lead us to Argentum nitricum.
(A.13): I think Arsenicum would be a good remedy for her, and she has had it already. I will not give all the symptoms of Arsenicum, but her stomach symptoms and the cramps that she sometimes has at night which make her get up and move around made me think of a remedy close to Arsenicum. This remedy also