
The Celle Seminars_Page 452

George Vithoulkas

(G. V.): When you drink something, is there a noise as the liquid
goes down?
(F.P.): Yes, it makes a noise.
(G.V.): Most of the time?
(F.P.): Sometimes I swallow too much air with it.
(Therapist): She says that when she drinks, she makes a sound
like »glook, glook, glook«.
(EP): (drinks water to demonstrate) It’s not working today.
(G. V.): But I believe you, it’s all right.
(F.P.): Perhaps I am the only person who hears these sounds.


(G.V): What is interesting in this case is that when you read rumbling, you feel this is a case of Lycopodium, and so you wonder why Lycopodium has not acted. It is very strange. Actually, Lycopodium has acted, but only partially. Chelidonium, which is close to Lycopodium, also acted partially. Then you ask yourself, why hasn’t Lycopodium really acted? The answer is because we could not confirm Lycopodium. Best time in the morning is not good to hear with Lycopodium, neither is waking up in the morning, jumping out of bed. Then the struggle started with Nux vomica, which has also shown some effect. Moreover, she is fastidious and feels the cold; both of these are Nux vomica. Nux vomica is also better with warm applications, there is no question about that. Nux vomica is a stomach remedy. Which other remedies do we think of besides Nux vomica when someone has suffered from stomach problems all his life?
(A.l): Anacardium.
(A.2): Antimonium crudum.
(A.3): Natrum carbonicum.
(G.V.): Antimonium crudum is a remedy that is aggravated mostly by heat, especially fire. It is a very sentimental, very emotional remedy. Natrum carbonicum is a very good, very nice remedy, but difficult to perceive because the Natrum carbonicum