Celle Seminar I, Case 17: Chronic Gastritis
Case 17: Chronic Gastritis
(Therapist): In her history, we find that she had Scheuermann’s disease in 1964. She is still suffering from back pain in the lumbar region, which is why she does gymnastics everyday. In 1965, she had an appendectomy; in 1966, a tonsillectomy; in 1974, she was pregnant and delivered a son; in 1983, she was sterilized; in 1985, an allergic rhinitis began, for which she was hyposensibi-lized. In 1981, she was injured in her garden and this resulted in cracks in her cornea; since then she has had a severe dryness of the eyes at night, and now she can’t open her eyes quickly because otherwise the cornea will crack again. In 1971, she had tendovaginitis of both forearms; she was a secretary at that time. She has stopped working.
The generalities: She is easily cold and suffers from cold hands and feet; sweat and thirst are normal; she desires warm drinks, and she drinks table water; her appetite is normal, and she says she does not desire anything in particular, except she likes marzipan very much. She has no aversions at all. She used to have a very strong desire for sour things, but had to stop eating them because they aggravate her stomach problem. She is also on a whole grain diet now. Sometimes, especially with her stomach pain, she has a lot of flatulence and, from time to time, loud eructations. She says she has to swallow a lot of air when she’s in pain. Her stool is normal, once a day; urination is also normal. Her second biggest problem is her sleep—she has never slept the whole night through in her entire life. She is very sleepy in the evening and has to go to bed at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. After an hour she wakes up again to urinate. She is able to fall asleep again rather quickly afterwards, but wakes up about every two hours during the night. When she has the stomach problems— whenever her stomach feels empty—she wakes up and has to eat, otherwise she feels very bad. In the past she had more trouble