George Vithoulkas
like to sleep? On the abdomen. That was another point in the investigation which made me suspicious.
(A.36): There is another similar nosode to Medorrhinum which is also prepared from the gonococcal bacteria Sycotic Co. It has a very good action on gonococcal rheumatism. This remedy also has the mind symptoms of Medorrhinum plus the skin symptoms on the feet, and it has been seen to act very well when Rhus toxicodendron has failed. So, it can be given before Medorrhinum or alternating before Calcarea phosphorica.
(G.V.): I don’t have enough experience with Sycotic Co., so I cannot say whether it applies to this case or not. What we should do in this case, since we are not absolutely sure about the remedy, is to proceed with the best possibility, which appears to be Medorrhinum. We should go ahead and give Medorrhinum while keeping Calcarea phosphorica and Natrum phosphori-cum, and perhaps also Sycotic Co., in mind.