
The Celle Seminars_Page 410

George Vithoulkas

(G.V.): Did you have a strong sexual drive at the time? (ER): Yes.
(G.V.): How did you lose it?
(ER): It was during the time when my boyfriend and I finally decided that this was »it« and so we moved in together. We moved into an old house that we’d bought together. We had an awful lot to do, so my urge naturally lessened at that time. And then, of course, it declined after the beginning of my first pregnancy, declined very much.
(G.V.): Did the pregnancy affect your sexual drive drastically? (F.P.): Very much so, almost completely. It came back, to some extent, after the first pregnancy, but it declined again after the second pregnancy.
(G.V.): What kind of fruit do you like? (F.P.): Plums and strawberries, but I really like everything. (G. V.): Are these sweet or sour fruits? (F.P.): They are slightly more sour.
(G.V.): Do you prefer fruits that are more sour than sweet? (ER): Yes.
(G.V.): Unripe fruit? (ER): No.
(G.V.): What about lemons? (F.P.): Occasionally, sometimes, not often. (G.V.): You do not like unripe fruit? (ER): No. (G.V.): Oranges? (ER): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you like them very much? (F.P.): A normal amount.
(G. V.): Did you have more fears when you were younger? (ER): I’ve always had fears, but the fear about my relatives I’ve only had since my children have been around. (G.V.): Have you gone to the sea lately in the summer? (ER): No.
(G.V.): Haven’t you ever been to the sea? (ER): Yes.