
The Celle Seminars_Page 402

George Vithoulkas

tween Carbo vegetabilis and Arsenicum when somebody tells you that he has a fear of dying. He was cold, perspiring, passing out. All this could be Arsenicum as well, but something inside me said it was Carbo vegetabilis. I called one of the doctors and asked him to give me a dose of 200.1 gave it to the patient, and then I went down to the lecture. I went back up an hour later and the doctor was up and able to come down to the classroom. He elected not to stay at the center, which meant that he drove an hour-and-a-half back to his house. I asked him, »How long did it take you to get well?« He replied, »Two or three minutes, maybe less.« Why was it that 1M didn’t help at all while 200 brought about such rapid and drastic results? I have seen this sort of thing time and time again.
I have often visited different pharmaceutical companies and I’ve asked a number of times whether they’d like to produce medicines the way I’d tell them to. They usually reply positively until I tell them how to go about it; then they just say, »Oh, well,« and come up with a thousand excuses, like they’re about to miss their plane, etc. What happens is that they quickly calculate how many doses they can sell at so and so much against the time it takes to prepare the remedies, and they realize fast that this is not a profitable business. I try to explain that even if they lose money for a few years, if the remedies are really good remedies—remedies that people can rely on—eventually people will buy them up. But usually they reply that they have other concerns. For four years I tried to persuade these pharmaceutical people into producing medicines that we could control, so that we could be sure that they were, for example, truly 10,000 times the distillation. I am talking about remedies from Boericke and Tafel. The response I got from the pharmacies was, »He’s crazy!« When I came here I asked, »Where do your high-potency remedies come from?« »From Boericke and Tafel,« I was told. But since I know what took place fifty years ago, I now stick to the 200 potencies.