George Vithoulkas
that Nitricum acidum has come to the conclusion that life is not worth living, especially in the morning.
(A. 19): She also said that if her husband offended her, he has to apologize over and over again.
(G.V.): Oh yes, that is another point that I forgot, very good. That was a confirmatory point: offended, but not removed by apologies. She is hurt, she is offended, but when somebody apologizes it takes a long time before she can forget. She admitted that quite clearly. That’s a keynote for Nitricum acidum.
(A.20): In Kent it says: Nitricum acidum; worse in the morning and early afternoon. The state worse in the morning is not rated as highly as the other way around.
(G.V.): No, even though she may be worse in the evening sometimes, particularly in regard to some physical ailments, her mood in the morning is what I described, and this is the main characteristic for Nitricum acidum. You might also see an aggravation in the evening as well, but the main characteristic is the aggravation in the morning. Kent must have noticed that also; he was quite observant.
(A.21): What about the potencies?
(G.V.): I said that I’d give 200 in this case. If I were sure about the potencies 1M or 10M, I would give 10M.
(A.22): Why do you say that high potencies are not correctly made?
(G.V.): Well, do you know how much time it takes to prepare a 10M remedy properly? If we have an automatic machine that works twenty-four hours a day without any interruption, we would need a hundred days and nights. 50M is five times that, five hundred days. I have a problem here. I investigated this because, when I give a seminar and I prescribe one dose of one remedy, I rely completely on that dose. It is not my reputation, but the reputation of homeopathy that depends on that dose. You are spectators. Many of you are seeing these things for the first time. If you see results, you might say, »Yes, homeopathy has something to offer!« But if you don’t see results, you might just say »Bye-bye« to homeopathy. This all depends on the dose we give.