George Vithoulkas
(A.12): Sepia.
(G.V.): Sepia, yes, we talked about Sepia. But I mean another remedy, one that is completely without the detailed symptomatology of her case. She is a person who is forgetful, who is losing her power of mind and is going into a state of arteriosclerosis and, therefore, senility.
(A. 13): Plumbum.
(A. 14): Baryta carbonica.
(G.V.): Baryta carbonica. We could have thought about Baryta carbonica in this case because she is someone who is losing the power of the mind, going towards a state of arteriosclerosis, of senility. We would think of Baryta carbonica especially if we see childish, naive behavior. However, this case is undoubtedly a case of Nitricum acidum. We should prescribe Nitricum acidum in at least a 200 potency, though we could go even higher. I use the 200 potency not because I don’t want to go higher, but be¬cause of the problems of potentizing. We simply cannot be sure that 1M, 10M, 50M have been potentized properly.
(A. 15): What was the physical pathology of Nitricum acidum in this case? I didn’t see it.
(G.V.): Because she doesn’t have it? What do you mean?
(A. 16): She has fissures in the mouth, which is seen in Sepia, Graphites and many other remedies. But I didn’t agree with your interpretation of what she said about answering or responding to greetings in the morning.
(G.V.): Let me explain: when I describe cases, I often describe the extremes. Between the extremes and what is really happening we have different stages, right? What is important is that she feels very bad in the morning. But how exactly? Does she want to communicate in the morning? No. She said very clearly, »I don’t want to talk in the morning. If somebody says, >Good morning< to me, I will return the greeting.« What she implied was that if somebody were to greet her in the morning, maybe she would return the greeting. The main thing for us is to perceive how she gets up, what she’s like in the morning. Then we should couple this information not only with the cracks in her