
The Celle Seminars_Page 394

George Vithoulkas

her unrefreshing sleep, better in the evening. But we still have the problem of left-sided headaches instead of right-sided ones. Therefore, we would have to investigate further before coming to a prescription. I also inquired about another remedy.
(A.4): Nitricum acidum.
(G.V.): Yes, and another one?
(A.5): Mercury.
(G.V.): Yes, I inquired about Mercury, but there was one other remedy that I also thought about very seriously because of the exhaustion—mental and physical—and her forgetfulness: Phos-phoricum acidum. These remedies were the most apparent ones, starting with Nux vomica because of the irritability. However, the kind of constipation she admitted having is not typical Nux vomica constipation, which is like a constant urging without really having a satisfactory stool. She did not confirm this type of constipation. Nux vomica is also worse in the morning; when he wakes up, he feels unrefreshed and irritable. Why? Mostly because of bad eating, drinking and sleeping habits. Nux vomica will go to bed quite late. He cannot get to sleep easily and frequently wakes up during the night. That’s why, upon getting up to start the day, Nux vomica feels tired. Nux vomica is worse from loss of sleep, and when you combine this with irritability in the morning, you immediately arrive at this remedy. Just looking at her we could imagine her depression; she was even quite depressed here. The depression lifts somewhat in the evening. And together with a general amelioration in the evening, we immediately see the possibility of Aurum. But is this Aurum} Yes, because she is thinking of suicide, of how to commit suicide. In short, she is considering ways to end her suffering. This means that, although she is thinking of suicide, she is afraid of pains. So, Nux vomica again comes into the picture. What remedies have a fear of committing suicide or lack the courage to commit suicide?
(A.6): China, in capitals.
(A.7): Sulphur, in italics.
(G.V.): Suicidal disposition but lacks courage is also Nitricum acidum. Is it there?