
The Celle Seminars_Page 382

George Vithoulkas

ical Calcarea phosphorica personality, I would be more inclined to agree with this remedy.
(A. 15): I think the anamnesis is suspicious; it suggests stenosis, a mechanical restriction, because the child vomits even if the food is slightly viscous. Perhaps the channel through which the food passes is very, very narrow, maybe that is the cause of her hiccups. In my opinion, the first thing would be to rule out an acute stenosis. I would have an X-ray and some ultrasonics done first, because I’d like to look at the possibility of a mechanical obstruction.
(G.V.): Well, we agree, but the responsibility for X-rays rests with her mother, not with me. I would also like to know the diagnosis, to have further research done. As I said from the beginning, lack of information does not justify your trying any remedy at all, nor does it justify your saying that since there hasn’t been enough research done into the patient’s condition, you won’t prescribe a remedy. This is the allopathic point of view of treatment. I’m trying to give you the homeopathic view. But I would also like to know the diagnosis. I do not consider her problem to be stenosis, rather more a nervous irritation because the food she eats comes up too easily. Her esophagus is perhaps too loose. I would definitely want to X-ray her esophagus first. It might be difficult doing an examination on this child, but I would still like to try before proceeding further.
(A.16): I found a remedy in Boericke which says about the mouth: can swallow liquids only, with solid food gags. And it says the same about the throat and stomach: can only swallow liquid foods. The remedy is Baptisia.
(G.V.): Hmmm, that’s not enough.
(A.17): Because I could not find a remedy that covered everything, I looked at some small remedies. I found a remedy for constriction of the esophagus together with hiccups easily and colics: Cajuputum.
(G.V.): Cajuputum actually has a fear of swallowing. With this remedy the patient can develop a state of anxiety about not being able to swallow things, or a fear of swallowing things the wrong