
The Celle Seminars_Page 378

George Vithoulkas

ma at the umbilicus, which was suppressed. Usually a wildness develops after head injuries, this may be shown here indirectly by the child’s unnecessary jealousy and screaming at times, like when her mother is wearing a dress that she doesn’t like. These things point towards Natrum sulphuricum. There are some indications of Pulsatilla as well, but that is due to the fact that her mother took a lot of Pulsatilla during pregnancy. Natrum sulphuricum would be a good follow-up for Pulsatilla.
(A.6): I noticed several things about the child: she had yellow crusts on the head, hiccups, and problems with swallowing; she could be very violent; she also has eczema on her chin, although that was not important. When I was reading up on the symptoms, I got a feeling, not only in my head but also in my heart, that the correct remedy is Cicuta.
(A.7): Because of the child’s restlessness and jealousy, her desire to display herself, the hiccups while breast-feeding, vomiting of irritable food, better after vomiting, the nervous agitation, worse at night and worse from eating, crying while asleep and opisthotonus, I thought of Hyoscyamus.
(A.8): In this case, I thought of Natrum carbonicum because of the obvious symptoms of worse from milk, sleeplessness, the problems with the stomach, the eructations and vomiting, and the aggravation from the sun.
(G.V.): But she drinks milk.
(A.8): She is aggravated from milk, isn’t she?
(G.V.): No, she doesn’t have an aversion to milk, she just can’t digest it. This is a difficult case. I am not quite sure I understand the pathology in this case. Why? Because I am not sure whether it is due to the quality of the food or the structure of the food. Obviously food creates a kind of stimulation in some center and brings about a reaction.
(Mother): It all comes up right away if the bottle that she is drinking is too viscid; so her formula has to be very liquid.
(G.V.): That’s why I say I do not understand the pathology or what actually is taking place. It seems that the bowels are not working properly, that there’s some functional disturbance that