
The Celle Seminars_Page 376

George Vithoullcas

always said that, based on physical examinations, she is perfectly healthy.
(G.V.): What do they base this on?
(Mother): They do all kinds of functional tests, for example, they listen to her heart and other things. She likes to pinch me and to beat on things. She has a little bit of eczema, which she’s had for quite a while, on the lower arms and on the lower legs and on the cheeks. If I don’t put oil on these spots, they become what I think is called in English ringworm-like, these roundish little eczema things. But that’s not very strong, just a little bit. If I don’t do anything about it, like applying something neutral like oil or Vaseline®, then it increases and becomes quite dry. This can happen if I bathe her too often, and so she only gets a bath once a week.
(G.V.): Doesn’t she like bathing?
(Mother): Oh yes, she likes it very much, that’s why I used to bathe her every evening. She enjoyed herself in the bathtub, but the eczema got a lot worse. It looked almost like neurodermatitis and was only on the external sides of her arms. The eczema goes away with oil and cream and not bathing her. (G.V.): Anything else? (Mother): I don’t think so. It’s an easy case, (laughs)


(G.V.): Tell me some ideas about the child we’ve just seen. What is your prescription now after being presented with the case?
(Mother): I considered Lachesis.
(G.V.): This is good information to get. We have to be careful because she might have been biased during the interview, and so she might also have biased us towards the remedy she was thinking of.
(Mother): I also thought about Tuberculinum.
(A.l): Did the child have any vaccinations?
(Mother): No.