
The Celle Seminars_Page 364

George Vithoulkas

edy prescribed for anxiety about health, which is this patient’s main symptom. What are our main remedies? Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Nitricum acidum, Lycopodium, Agaricus. Let us say that you gave Agaricus because of the person’s anxiety about his health. If the person is doing quite well and the anxiety changes in quality but does not become as aggressive or disturbing as it is with Agaricus, then perhaps he still needs a dose of Lycopodium in order to completely take away his anxiety. Or perhaps you gave Phosphorus because she was very anxious, and the remedy acts: there is a change in the quality of her symptomatology— you don’t see the aggressiveness anymore—but the anxiety is still there. So, you give Arsenicum, which complements the action of Phosphorus, and then the anxiety goes away. These two exam¬ples should make it clear that sometimes you may see the same symptom under two different layers changing from one level to the other in intensity and quality.
In the previous example you gave a remedy for anxiety, but the anxiety has not gone away. Nevertheless, you see that the remedy has acted in some way; therefore, you expect that this is really a new remedy coming underneath, a second remedy that will cover the anxiety. If you do not see this yet with the first remedy, I advise you to wait, and eventually you will see the next remedy appear. The tendency is to believe that since the remedy has not touched the anxiety, it has not really acted at all. This isn’t necessarily true. You might find that the remedy has ameliorated the rest of the person, in which case the remedy can be said to have acted, even though it did not directly ameliorate the patient’s anxiety. But if you really inquire with sensitivity, you may find that it is not the same quality of anxiety as before; it has changed. You might see this with headache cases. A patient with malignant headaches might still insist that the headaches continue, although you prescribed a seemingly appropriate remedy. Then you have to examine the type of headache he complains about. You may find that he now has headaches of a different type, a different quality, and therefore he requires a different remedy.