
The Celle Seminars_Page 352

George Vithoulkas

could no longer tolerate it physically. Although she felt that there was a great difference of opinion between herself and her family, she is still very concerned about them, shown by the fact that she cries now when talking about them. All this is said in a sweet tone of voice, sweet, straightforward, and naive. She does not relate this in a sophisticated or intellectual way. She is talking from her heart.
If you really observe the patient and you understand the nature of Pulsatilla, you’ll see here an element of Pulsatilla that we have stressed many times: manipulation. Pulsatilla manipulates others through her very being, for example, through crying. What is a bit unusual for Pulsatilla is her sexuality. A Pulsatilla woman with strong religious convictions will not usually have very strong sexual desires. But with this patient we see a sexual desire strong enough to make her give up her religious community.
A Phosphorus person would react quite differently. First of all, do you perceive her as being open towards me? No, you don’t. She is not very open. She is not the type of person who readily volunteers information. She is resigned. Although she does give me some information, there is no great contact or exchange taking place between us. She cries. Phosphorus would not cry as easily in an interview because they enjoy life too much to cry. Phosphorus would immediately establish contact with you; he would tell you all the nice things you want to hear. Here we have another story.


(F.P.): …I feel sorry for all that, but it has happened. I didn’t
want it, but I can’t change it.
(G. V.): You never confronted your parents? You never shouted or
threw things at your mother?
(P.P.): Once or twice I talked very aggressively to my mother and
she started to cry; so I couldn’t talk to her anymore or I would
have started to cry. I don’t see any solution.