George Vithoulkas
fear of ghosts; supernatural phenomena makes them feel uneasy; fear that someone may sneak up behind them while walking in the street at night or while taking a shower. These closed Medor-rhinums are people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
In summary, Medorrhinum patients are people with a lot of energy and initiative. They are nice people, always seen at social gatherings and often the life of the party—extroverts. But behind all this outgoingness is always some sort of sexual drive. The difference between Medorrhinum and Belladonna is that the latter is an extroverted person who also likes to be at the center of things, but he lacks the intense sexual drive seen in Medorrhinum.
There are so many shades to the different remedies. One problem which I became aware of through dealing with students is that often there are no clear-cut guidelines in a case on which to base a prescription. Let’s say you read about a fear; how are you supposed to distinguish between this fear accompanied by such and such a symptom, from the same fear accompanied by another set of circumstances? Where do you have the guidelines? Or take for example, crying in front of the camera, which is Pulsatilla; this is often Pulsatilla, but it can also be something else. You can’t just stick to one characteristic of a remedy and disregard whatever else is taking place; you have to think in terms of connections as well.