Celle Seminar I, Medorrhinum
and help people as much as he can. Now, how should I ask this sort of person if he’s had gonorrhea? He’s become a saint in front of me! How many people has he saved or cured through his prayers?! I asked myself, »What should I do?« I was with a woman, one of my first students, who was sitting next to me, and the General was telling us about spiritual things and what he does for the world and how spiritual he is. I thought to myself, »How can I ask him if he’s had gonorrhea?« If I ask him, »Have you ever had gonorrhea?« he will say, »No.« But I was sure that he was Medorrhinum; so, he most probably had gonorrhea by the time he was twenty or twenty-two. (He was sixty-five at the time.) I asked him, »Did you have gonorrhea at the age of twenty or twenty-two?« He replied, »Twenty-two.« (laughter) Because I was in a hurry I just prescribed the remedy. About four or five years later I met a friend who also knew the General, and I asked about him. My friend said, »He is very well, but he doesn’t want to come back to see you.« »Why?« I asked, and he said, »Because you asked him something as if you already knew the answer!« (laughter) According to the General, that was not proper or scientific. But I suspect that he was just afraid of losing face. The main thing was that his tremendous blockage, which is also typical for these patients, cleared up once he took Medorrhinum.
The story I just told you took place around 1969 or 1970. At that time I was just beginning to realize that the symptoms we see and prescribe on are not always the only possible manifestations of a remedy, that in fact, there may be many opposite poles to a remedy. For example, in some cases where there is a desire for salt, which would make me consider a remedy with a corresponding desire, I have found that sometimes a totally opposite pole—an aversion to salt—can also be an aspect of the remedy. This point is well illustrated in Medorrhinum: these patients can be very closed or very open, sometimes both. Take, for instance, a completely closed person, unable to talk because of emotionality: this blockage can become so acute that the patient begins to get a »wild feeling« due to suppressed emotions. If this happens, then Medorrhinum will become very fearful: fear of the dark or