George Vithoulkas
about by emotional upheavals. When someone is emotionally cramped and has asthma, especially as a child, we often think of Cuprum.
(A.3): She is very, very controlled, that is one symptom. She likes a warm room, but she also sweats a lot. Her face shows a bit of edema. Her asthma is better when she bends over. All this makes me think of Kali carbonicum.
(G.V.): Correct. You have good reasons for what you have described. Of course, there are differences of opinion. In homeopathy we always strive to find the best remedy indicated at a given moment. When the patient presents himself to you, you’ll have to find the single most effective remedy for his ailments. What is this? Only the best remedy is going to do the trick, and it is up to you to discover which remedy this is. You must have good reasons for your decisions. Your reasons must be good enough to enable you to choose between perhaps two or three possibilities.
I will analyze, and I will tell you what I was thinking as I was going along with this case to show you what I mean. I will begin by trying to remember my feelings and thoughts. She comes in and what do I observe? I see somebody who is breathing heavily, obviously quite an emotional person. I can feel strong emotions in her body. I don’t know if this emotionality came across in the video. Could you see her excitement, her emotionality? She laughed, she was clearly a nice person, or at least she was trying to be nice. But she was also excited and on the edge. I could see when she swallowed that she was trying to control her emotionality. The next thing I hear is her pathology. What does she have? Epilepsy since she was nine years old; that’s almost forty years of epilepsy. This is not something that you want to hear; it’s a very serious disease to have had for so many years. Then I hear that she has received medication for her epilepsy all these years. This is terrible news for a homeopath. Then I hear that she also has hay fever and asthma. The next thing I find out is that she is taking medicine for these illnesses as well. The story continues. She has also had cancer of the uterus. Dear Lord! This is too much! But observe, strangely enougl , perhaps especially for you youn-