
The Celle Seminars_Page 318

George Vithoulkas

gion, not just under the clavicula, straight through. The sensation in my fingers appeared much later.
(G.V.): There is a symptom that we did not discuss yet: she cannot stand a draft in bed. Has anybody found that symptom? That was interesting. Actually it could be chilliness.
(A.16): It’s coldness on page 886 in Kent: Cervical region: sensitive to a draft: Hepar, Mercurius and Silicea, all in italics.
(G.V.): That seems to be a general aggravation; I’m looking for a draft in bed.
(A.17): It’s a chilliness from moving the bed clothes.
(G.V.): No, I was thinking of something more specific.
(A. 18): Hepar has an excited cough when any part of the body gets cold.
(G.V.): Rhus toxicodendron and Silicea both have an aggravation from a draft when they are in bed.
(A.19): Medorrhinum doesn’t appear under the rubric Chilliness, slightest movement of the bed clothes.


(G. V.): After only twenty-four hours we already have some feedback: an acute inflammation and compression. (F.P.): Yesterday evening I had more pain in my arm, even when I was lying down, and I had an unusual urge to urinate during the night. The rest was the same until this afternoon. I was able to sit on a chair without pain nearly the whole time. But since 2:30 p.m. I have had a strange feeling in my fingers, like when you come inside from being outside in very cold weather and your fingers tingle and are a little swollen. It’s a very nice feeling for me. (laughs)


(G.V.): Medorrhinum, in a 200 dose, was the remedy. She is very happy, (applause) Thank you. She has a strong organism.