
The Celle Seminars_Page 317

Celle Seminar I, Case 11: Cervical Spine Syndrome

toxicodendron and it showed no particular effect. If Rhus toxicodendron had improved her condition, then her symptomatology would be gone by now, or at least it would be milder and less persistent. In the past she had a Medorrhinum constitution with symptoms of Ignatia, which helped her very much. We have to ask ourselves again whether she went through a similar kind of stress now, and whether maybe Ignatia should be given first and then Medorrhinum. This is a legitimate question that can only be answered by either giving Ignatia first and then Medorrhinum, or vice versa, and waiting to see what happens.
As I analyzed the case, I came to understand it as a deep Medorrhinum case; so I chose to give this remedy first. I may go on to Ignatia if it seems that Medorrhinum is not working, and then go back to Medorrhinum again. But I feel very certain that in her present state Medorrhinum will act. (addressing the patient) I would like to hear your opinion of the analysis.
(F.R): Well, I do agree that we should wait and see whether or not it gets better.
(A.15): What I don’t understand is your analysis of the local situation leading to Rhus toxicodendron, because the most prominent symptom she had in the acute period was the weakness. What she reports about the pain is that it stems from the cervical region to the shoulder and to the clavicula.
(G.V.): Wait a moment. Not now, but during the time she had a cold.
(A. 15): I know, then she had a tremendous weakness. But that was the most prominent symptom she had in the acute illness. I’m only referring to what you said about the local symptomatology. As far as I understood it, her reports on local symptomatology indicate that the pain extends to her shoulder and the clavicula.
(G.V.): She described pains in the lower and upper arm and also fears.
(F.R): It started with a pain in the arm which extended down the lower arm and was later a sort of a boring pain in the shoulder. Sometimes I felt it went straight through me, in the heart re-