
The Celle Seminars_Page 31

Celle Seminar I, Case 1: Epilepsy/Asthma

explain my strategy in order to show you why I chose to do this type of interrogation. But before I go on, I would like to hear your analysis of the case. Do not just get up and tell me, for example, that the remedy is Phosphorus. I don’t want that. (The remedy is not Phosphorus, be careful.) I want you to tell me that for this and that reason you would most probably decide on this or that remedy. Do not just name the remedy because the name alone without the reasons doesn’t help anybody, even if it is the correct remedy.
(A.l): One thing seems important in this case: the patient was almost strangulated by the umbilical cord at birth. It was for this reason that I thought of Carbo vegetabilis, because Carbo vege-tabilis patients have come close to death during birth. I think this would be a good remedy to take into consideration.
(G.V.): Well, I will discuss this opinion later. Does anyone else have an idea?
(A.2): I think this idea is very important, and I think that the near strangulation this woman experienced at birth has had a very important effect on her life. I feel that there was quite a lot of suppression in her history, suppression on several levels. She has asthma after taking antibiotics, she has epileptic seizures, and she wakes up at night with sudden, dry coughing attacks. This leads me to think of a remedy that very strongly encompasses several of these aspects. It is the main remedy for children who are threatened with asphyxiation at birth, when they are turning blue. This woman suffers from a lot of cramps. At one point, when she was asked how she felt, the muscles in her face twitched. I think the remedy I have in mind is the main remedy for epileptic seizures accompanying suppression. Concerning her sex life, when she was asked about it, she said that she had never lived it out properly. In a way, she suppressed herself. This is also one aspect of the remedy I have in mind. I think the remedy is Cuprum.
(G.V.): He is thinking of Cuprum because of the pathology of this case. Cuprum is one of the main remedies for epilepsy. It is also a remedy indicated in asthma, especially asthma brought