
The Celle Seminars_Page 309

Celle Seminar I, Case 11: Cervical Spine Syndrome

(F.P.): No. I am very proud of having broken only one thing in
my kitchen in my life.
(G. V.): When did you take Natrum muriaticum, how long ago?
Was it around January?
(F.P.): In January, and then again in March. It was after this dose
of Natrum muriaticum that my shoulder became worse.


(G.V.): Who wants to start analyzing the case? What are the remedies that you will consider in this case?
(A.l): Tuberculinum.
(G.V.): What else?
(A.2): Ignatia.
(A3): Phosphorus.
(A.4): Magnesia sulphurica.
(A.5): Medorrhinum.
(A.6): Calcarea carbonica.
(A.7): Pulsatilla.
(A.8): Causticum. . (A.9): Sanicula.
(A. 10): Staphisagria.
(G.V.): Who said Tuberculinum? Can you justify Tuberculinum?
(A.l): First, her father had tuberculosis, but she also said that she is a person with changing moods, contradictory states. I looked up contradictory and alternating states in Kent and there you see Tuberculinum. Second, she also eats a lot of salt. I forgot the rest of the argumentation.
(G.V.): The fact that her father had tuberculosis is something that you should particularly take into consideration. And if you see some other symptoms of Tuberculinum, then you would investigate further into this remedy. What about Calcarea?
(A.6): In the past she was helped by Natrum muriaticum, which she took in January and in March. After the second time she showed an aggravation. Perhaps she took the remedy too