Celle Seminar I, Case 1: Epilepsy/Asthma
(G.V.): Does the heat of the bed affect you? (F.P.): Yes, and when it does, I stick my legs out from underneath the covers to cool myself down. (G.V.): What do others think about you?
(F.P.): Some people may regard me as a poor creature, I don’t know. As I’ve already said, I have relatives and friends. I think on the whole that I am well received by people. (G.V.): Do people think that you have a good nature? (F.P.): Yes.
(G. V.): Do you ever get angry? (F.P.): Oh, yes, I can get angry. (G.V.): What do you do then? (F.P.): I can get quite loud, quite angry. (G.V.): Do you shout or throw things? (F.P.): I can do both, but only very rarely. (G. V.)-. Do you like to make a scene when you are angry? (F.P.): I can become very emphatic.
(G. V.): Does this pass away easily, or do you burst out crying? (F.P.): Oh, no, I don’t weep afterwards. (G.V.): Do you like to weep? (F.P.): No, I would prefer not to cry. (G. V.): You do not seem sure.
(F.P.): I think weeping is something that should be left to more important things, when one feels really sad. (G.V.): You reserve your crying? (F.P.): No, not on purpose.
(G.V.): If you are unhappy and angry because something has happened, would you like your lover or companion to come and caress you?
(F.P.): Yes, I would like that. (G.V.): Would that calm you? (F.P.): Oh, yes.
(G. V.): Concerning your food habits-(F.P.): After the operation, I turned to whole grain foods. (G.V.): You desire nuts very much. Is this because of the operation, a natural desire, or did you crave nuts before?