George Vithoulkas
Small Remedy: Allium Cepa
Allium cepa has an established reputation for curing common colds, especially in cases where the cold tends to extend downwards, towards the bronchi. The cold starts in the nose and has characteristic symptomatology: the discharge is watery and acrid, usually the eyes become red and the lacrimation in the eyes is bland. Primarily the left side of the nose is affected; the cold usually starts on the left side and then spreads throughout the entire nose. There is a characteristic aggravation from a warm room as well as towards evening, while open air is ameliorating.
I just want to say a word of warning concerning the use of this remedy. You have to be careful to use Allium cepa as correctly as possible because in sensitive individuals—individuals who have a predisposition for lung problems, for example, asthmatics, people with hay fever and those who catch cold easily—you may suppress the cold and thereby aggravate the situation in the lungs. You should not administer Allium cepa for just any sort of cold. You have to be careful with it because this is a very powerful remedy. Allium cepa should only be used with a cold that displays these characteristic symptoms: left-sided; acrid and watery discharge; tendency to extend downwards; tendency to become worse as the day progresses, in the evening, and in a warm stuffy room; amelioration being outside in fresh air. If you suspect a sensitivity in the patient, you would choose a low potency, for example, X6, C6, LM. I have also found that Allium cepa is indicated when the cold or the acute condition has a notably bad effect upon the patient’s mental state. In a case of Allium cepa the patient not only feels physically terrible, his mind also becomes sluggish, sleepy. He cannot think and lacks initiative. Even though we. are dealing here with a little cold, we see that the whole organism reacts. It is one of the main remedies in which the cold extends towards the ears and produces a lot of pain. Ear pains that occur after a cold are covered mostly by Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Mercurius, and Nitricum acidum, but one of the main remedies is also Allium cepa.