
The Celle Seminars_Page 286

George Vithoulkas

is eighteen months old. After receiving Natrum muriaticum he grew five centimeters.
(A.5): I want to mention a particular symptom in this case which has not yet been considered and that is worse undressed. He immediately starts to scratch when you remove his clothes, so I would say Rumex. I think it would do very nicely here, coupled with the watery stool and the watery expectoration or coryza.
(G.V.): I don’t think Rumex will have an effect. I sometimes wish we had the chance to try some of your suggestions first and see what happens. Of course, it is a matter of experience, but Rumex does not always need to have eruptions for it to itch; it can feel itchy without them. There are a lot of remedies for which it says itching when undressing, which is due to the change in temperature that accompanies being undressed. Therefore, in cases like these you should not give a remedy for one symptom when you have other symptoms to rely upon—symptoms that will lead you to make a better and deeper prescription—or you will be disappointed. You have to find the remedy that is most correct, goes deepest to the root of the illness and is most complete.
(A.6): I have seen lots of children like this, and I’ve found that you can start with the skin eruption symptoms or with the psychological symptoms; for example, he is restless and difficult. Everyone who suffers from these sorts of eruptions is going to be difficult. You shouldn’t rely too heavily on that as a symptom. We must not forget that everything started after this BCG injection. So, I would think that there must have been a Tuberculinum state in this child which was activated into a big reaction when he received the vaccination. And because we have heard that there is tuberculosis in the family, I would suggest Tuberculinum.
(G.V.): Correct. Yes, this is the idea. We get some hints of Tuberculinum from the very beginning, and so we would like to know if there is a tendency towards tuberculosis in the family. This is immediately confirmed on his mother’s side. Furthermore, we see that his condition is connected with the vaccinations. The child was in a state of tuberculosis, not only because