Celle Seminar I, Case 10: Neurodermatitis
(A.l): Constipation.
(G.V.): In conjunction with his eruption, I mean. With Graphites you will not only see activity around the ears—you see the bends with cracks—but you would also expect to find a lot of activity around the earlobes and behind the ears. Are you happy then with Graphites f
The child has a strong aversion to bread. That’s probably why Natrum muriaticum was prescribed, because it also has a strong aversion to bread. But the effects of Natrum muriaticum were only partial, suppressive, because the remedy was not correct.
We also have the possibility here of Mezereum, which has a lot of eruptions on the face around the eyebrows. But the typical Mezereum eruption is much deeper and with crusts; the puss oozes out and forms crusts and the skin cracks. Mezereum is one of the main remedies for eruptions; it is a remedy that produces malignant eruptions.
There is also the possibility in this case that we are dealing with Antimonium crudum, which also produces an eruption like the one he has. Rhus toxicodendron also produces these kinds of eruptions with itching. I forgot to ask a question concerning cucumbers. I don’t know if the doctor is still here or-
(Therapist): He doesn’t like cucumbers.
(G.V.): In Antimonium crudum we have a strong desire for cucumbers, especially the small ones. You will see this craving no matter what the patient has, be it an epidemic disease or an acute lung disease; Antimonium crudum strongly desires cucumbers. What is the remedy in this case?
(A.2): Medorrhinum.
(G.V.): If this were a case of Medorrhinum—because of amelioration in the sea—where would we expect to see the eruptions? Exactly on the places where he does not have eruptions! That’s quite strange. I mean, there is no reason for giving Medorrhinum.
(A.3): Psorinum.
(A.4): What about the fact that the child stopped growing? He stopped growing when he was five or six months old and now he