
The Celle Seminars_Page 284

George Vithoulkas

ily went to pieces. This went on day after day. The parents asked what they should do, whether or not they should just give the child cortisone to stop the situation, or what. As the therapist you become desperate because there is an aggravation and you do not see a remedy. The parents came in again and reported new symptomatology, and then the case was handed over to me. Although it looked like Phosphorus, I wasn’t satisfied; something was not right. I said, »No, we still have to wait.« That same night things went very badly and a very, very strong picture of Arsenicum began to appear. We then gave Arsenicum, and the next day the child was calm, much better, slept, and then began to recover. Now, was Sulphur wrong? It Arsenicum had been given from the beginning, would we have seen better results? I cannot answer these questions. All I can say is that if you are in a hurry, you will lose the case. I waited until I had a picture of the remedy, and once it became very clear, I gave the remedy and it had a fantastic effect! But I have seen other cases where we have been in a hurry to prescribe, and so we wound up making a mess and losing the case because we had to resort to Cortisone. In such cases I’ve felt tremendously pressured by the parents. Remember, you not only have to deal with the child, but you also have to deal with the parents of the child as well. Often the parents suffer more than the children because they can do nothing but watch their children suffer. When a parent sees his child scratching, it is hard for him to imagine the child’s real suffering; all he comprehends is the child’s extreme uncomfortableness and crankiness. And precisely in cases were we expect some aggravation from the remedy, parents are often hard to deal with. Perhaps if we had tried LM it would have been better, but I did not have enough experience with LM potencies to say that this was definitely true.
Let’s come to the diagnosis of the case. The child has some symptoms. The first thing we hear is honey-like discharge. What’s the remedy? Graphites. There are a few other remedies that also have this symptom: Mezereum, Cicuta, Antimonium crudum, and Kali sulphuricum. Is this really a Graphites child? Why isn’t he Graphites ? What do you expect to see in Graphites}