George Vithoulkas
Case 10: Neurodermatitis
(Therapist): The eruption is honey-like; this condition didn’t follow the second vaccination. The first interview was on October 24. During pregnancy she must have had many physical and psychological problems. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the child’s neck at birth. The child doesn’t walk or talk, he only crawls. He ceased growing at the age of five or six months. He started teething at the age of five months, now he has eight teeth. He is very bound to his mother. He is in a constant state of un-happiness, nothing seems to cheer him up. Desires bananas and potatoes (3x), aversion to bread and apples. Feels better at the seaside, skin is better too. His hands and feet are always cold. Sleeping position: abdomen distended. He has skin eruptions all over the body; he scratches himself until he bleeds. On October 26, he received Natrum muriaticum 1M. After Natrum muria-ticum he slept better, his feet were warm, he started to walk, his mood improved and he appeared happy for awhile. Fears leaving his mother’s side and approaching others. Stagnation now for a week. I think this was my first mistake: I gave Natrum muriaticum XM; he was very good afterwards for a few days, but then he got a cold. Doesn’t want to be touched; skin worse; cold feet again; likes fresh air, walking outside ameliorates very much. Very bound to his mother. Strong aversion to bread. On January 21, I gave Pulsatilla 1M. After Pulsatilla, amelioration for a week. Now he is in a bad condition: wheezing when breathing, which I even heard through the telephone. Foggy, dam, and cold air aggravate breathing and cough; coryza with watery discharge. They can’t go out with him when the weather is damp. Wrapped his eyes, which are inflamed. Likes to be cuddled by his mother. I gave Dulcamara LM 6 and LM 30, in repeated doses, which helped for a few days. Mother also gave Mucosolvanm on the pediatrician’s advice. Between Pulsatilla and Dulcamara, I also gave one dose of Calcarea in a low potency, without result.