George Vithoulkas
(G.V.): Just a moment. We may mean any one of several different levels of perceptions when we use the word vulnerability. For example, it could be an anticipatory vulnerability, like she showed, or it could be more relaxed. Natrutn muriaticum will stand back and put up barriers; it has a very strong internal reaction of, »Don’t ridicule me because I am very vulnerable!« But this is something that you would usually perceive as an internal aggression, not as a relaxed state. She has more the sort of vulnerability that one sees in a person who is willing to give himself up for someone else. You’ve all been in love at sometime or another, and perhaps you have given yourselves up completely to that particular person; then you are very vulnerable, but not closed. When we talk about Natrutn muriaticum, we say that it is vulnerable and closed. I saw here a vulnerability and an openness similar to that of a child who does not know how to protect or express himself. Like a child, she just looks at you, even though she cannot communicate. This is another type of sensitivity, similar to nonverbal communication with children. A child can be very open, but if you were to suddenly slap him, he would go into a tremendous state of shock. You would not see this with Natrum muriaticum because it expects to get a slap any minute. You won’t often see an open, giving Natrum muriaticum. When I say open, what I mean is an emotional openness and a communicative nature. Our patient did not show the type of closed-off-ness that you’d expect with Natrum muriaticum: she did not frown, nor did she seem to be thinking about hidden thoughts, or to be feeling buried inside.
(A.21): I still think the remedy is Carcinosinum. First, Carci-nosinum also has an aversion to fat and fatty meat. Second, Carcinosinum has many fears: fears of animals, fear of horrible things, fear in a crowd. Third, Carcinosinum is close to Pulsatilla, Silicea, Calcarea, Natrum muriaticum, and Medorrhinum. So, if we consider the family history of cancer, her fear of horrible things, her fastidiousness, her sensitivity to music, her love for dancing, and her fear of animals, then I think it’s clear that Carcinosinum covers this case very well. My first impression was