
The Celle Seminars_Page 249

Celle Seminar I, Case 9: Lymphoma

craves vegetables, sweet fruit and ice cream. She is not very thirsty, and she drinks lukewarm mineral water. (G.V.): Is her aversion to meat something recent? (Therapist): She’s always had an aversion to meat and never ate very much of it. Menarche began at the age of twelve. She had dysmenorrhea with non-radiating cramps, only in her lower abdomen, until she was twenty-five. The cramps were better with warmth and rest; she had no pain at night. She received Lycopo-dium 1OM as therapy after pneumonia. After the lymphoma was diagnosed, she underwent chemotherapy from August, 1988 to January, 1989, and radiation treatment from February to March, 1989. She is finished with the radiation treatments now. Her period was suppressed by the chemotherapy, but it has begun to return bit by bit. (G. V.): When exactly were you adopted?
(F.P.): Shortly before my father’s death. The adoption followed at his specific request because he wanted to make sure that I’d be all right when he died. It was against my wishes, but there was no way around it. I couldn’t stop it from happening. (G. V.): Why was that against your wishes? How did you feel? (F.P.): I felt very much as if I had been cast out by my family, as if I had been sold for money. (G. V.): Did your parents gain from this adoption? (RR): No, they did not gain anything from this, it was purely for my benefit. I was adopted by a friend of my mother’s. They thought they were doing something good for me. (G. V.): Rich people? (F.P.): No, normal people.
(G. V.): Did your parents put you up for adoption so you would have financial security? (F.P.): Yes.
(G. V.): What year was that? (RP.):1981.
(G. V.): Were you still in school? (F.P.): Yes. (G.V.): Did you need money in order to finish your studies?