
The Celle Seminars_Page 247

Celle Seminar I, Case 9: Lymphoma

Case 9: Lymphoma


(Therapist): This is a woman in her twenties with a highly malig¬nant lymphoma. She had the usual childhood diseases like measles, rubella, and chicken pox. She was rarely ill as a child. When she was five years old, she had serious tonsillitis with severe swelling and breathing difficulties. Subsequent tonsillectomy, no antibiotics. At twenty-one she had a non-food related irritable colon, with cramps in the abdomen along the colon; worse in the evening and alternating between constipation and diarrhea, with a lot of slime and a small amount of blood. A coloscopy ruled out any organic illness. This lasted several months and preceded a separation from a close friend. Occasional sinusitis. No temperature. Antibiotics every three years. In November, 1987, she had pneumonia in the right-hand lower range, for which she took antibiotics and later a dose of Lycopodium XM. (G.V.): Was that the first homeopathic remedy she received? (Therapist): Yes. In March, June, and July, 1988, repeated sinusitis and bronchitis, no antibiotics; afterwards slight energy loss. In August, 1988, a lymphoma was diagnosed after two plum-sized swellings became visible on the external surface of her throat above the clavicula.
Histology: Centroplastic type starting with B-cells. Occasional cystitis and acne vulgaris in puberty.
Family history: Her father died at the age of seventy-four from acute leukemia. One of her mother’s sisters had breast cancer, but she is still alive. Her father’s sister died of tuberculosis. The patient is the elder of two children; she has a younger sister. During childhood she often felt lonely and wanted to sleep in her parent’s bed. She had a fear of animals, especially snakes, frogs, snails—smooth, cold animals—as well as large dogs which might