
The Celle Seminars_Page 241

George Vithoulkas

(Therapist): Yes.
(F.P.): The last two nights it came hack, but in general it’s better.
(G.V.): How do you feel psychologically?
(F.P.): Rather despaired.
(G.V.): Wait a moment, don’t confuse me. Your skin is worse,
okay, but besides this, how do you feel in general?


(G.V.): She understood, you see. Did you see her eyes? She understood, and now she is thinking. She has to think about it. This is important for you to see because you will be confronted by patient responses similar to hers again and again.
(A.): But isn’t it like when you bring a car to a garage and you ask to have the car repainted, and later they tell you, »We put a new motor in, new wheels, and new brakes«? It doesn’t matter what else was done, fact is that the paint still looks so bad! That’s the way she reacts psychologically. She comes in for treatment of her skin and you ask about something else. These other things don’t matter to her; it’s her skin that she’s concerned about, and that’s gotten worse!
(G.V.): Yes, that’s true. Nevertheless, you can’t ignore the obvious internal amelioration that she describes. She used to shout when she woke up in a terrified state, but not anymore; she had headaches, which are better now. So, in general she is better psychologically, although her skin is worse. The most important thing is that the quality of her skin is better, even though the amount of psoriasis has increased. If I were to tell her directly, »The quality of your skin has improved,« she would blush and her skin would immediately become worse.
(G.V.): Even though your skin is bad, you’re coping with it quite well. Your psychological state seems better, you even admitted this yourself at one point.