
The Celle Seminars_Page 239

Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis

symptoms, you would wind up? exemedy and then dismissing the case.


(F.P.): Those are the important cases.
(G. v.): I want to know about your skin condition: how much
worse is it now than before?
(F.P.j: In percent? A hundred percent.


(G.V.): You see, she falls into the trap. First of all, it can’t be a hundred percent worse because that would mean that she had absolutely no skin problem before. But to the extent that the skin is worse, the headaches and inner state must be proportionally that much better.
(A.l): Why do you think she is so aggressive AmtlkUM-Uke?
| G,y.): Because of her type, the sort of person to person -«Uni Viic has a hitter aftertaste.
(A.2): I saw her yesterday and I didn’t …… Could it be tfiat this came out because of the remedies?
(G.V.): This increased aggreessives.V?
(A3): Yes.
(G.V.): We could say that she is more aggressive, but the problem is that we cannot compare this aggressiveness against the first time she came in for treatment. During her first visit she had nothing by which to base her own condition, for example, better or worse; she simply was. Now she has a point of comparison. At the beginning of the interview you get a glimpse into her psychological make-up. Later she says, »I am much worse!« We cannot attribute a person’s personality solely to the effects of an emedy; we also have to consider the person’s way of life as well, rhis patient feels unlucky in life because she has gone through a ot, there is no question about this, and that’s why we tend to for-