George Vithoulkas
(G.V.): Do you see? She understands all of my questions except that one. She repeats herself instead of answering my question. That shows that she knows she is better, but she doesn’t want to accept it, and that’s why she tries to avoid the subject. Let’s see some more.
(F.P.): It’s less now.
(G.V.): How much less, can you give me an indication? Half, thirty, forty, sixty percent?
(F.P.): Seventy percent, but it’s changing. There are terrible attacks, but-(G.V.): In general?
(F.P.): In general, seventy percent less.
(Therapist): One thing you said was that during the migraines reading makes it better.
(F.P.): Not better, but it helps distract me. During headaches I don’t like noises at all, but reading seems to take my concentration away from the headache. Concentrating on something else seems to make the headaches better.
(G.V.): She changes her statement at whim. Why didn’t she re-port any change at all at the very beginning of the follow-up? Usually the patient would come back and say, »My psoriasis is much worse.« I ask if her headaches have gotten better, and all she can say is, »Yes, no, a little.« What about her stomach, are the problems gone? What about her fears, does she still get up at night? Most people would simply answer yes or no. Why doesn’t she? She knows what is expected of her. You see the psychology behind the patient? If you were to merely sit down and write up