Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis
(F.P.): Yes, he has acne.
(G. V.): Severe acne?
(F.P.): Yes, back, breast and face.
(G. V.): Are you anxious about your health?
(G.V.): This follow-up was video-taped last September. Natrum carbonicum was prescribed because the patient appeared quite closed. This was a Natrum case in which the patient had a strong aversion to milk and quite a strong sensitivity to and aggravation from the sun. She had quite a strong reaction after Natrum carbonicum. Her doctor telephoned me in Athens to say that things were not going well and that she was having major reactions. There was tremendous aggravation on several different levels. Now, as you no doubt remember, this woman was suffering mainly from four things: terrors during the night, headaches, psoriasis, and a disturbed psychological state resulting from the first three complaints. She also suffered from frequent infections and colds. In the telephone conversation we had between Germany and Greece concerning the aggravation, it seemed to me that she showed a clear picture of Arsenicum. This remedy was prescribed, although I don’t remember her exact reaction to it. Two or three months later she developed a picture of a remedy—with a lot of disturbances in the stomach and other symptoms—very similar to Carbo vegetabilis, which is considered to be a complementary remedy to Arsenicum. Carbo vegetabilis was then prescribed per telephone. Her case progressed so: Natrum carbonicum in September, Arsenicum in December, and Carbo vegetabilis in February. This will be the second time I’ve seen her. All the remedies prescribed were given in the 200 potency. In my analysis of the case, for those of you who remember, I said that if the woman is really doing well, her skin condition will be greatly aggravated. We should expect to see the psoriasis spread over her entire body while the internal symptomatology is ameliorated. There is no other choice in a case like this one.