Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis
(F.P.): Yes, but only four hours a day in an office as a secretary, and afterwards I am very exhausted. I have a lot of problems with my neck at work; it becomes very stiff and painful. At the moment I sleep well, but awhile ago I had a lot of problems with my heart: I’d sleep and then after an hour I’d wake up with palpitations, exactly an hour after falling asleep. Sometimes I was able to go back to sleep, but sometimes the palpitations continued and kept me awake.
(G. V.): Are you frightened when you wake up? (F.P.): Yes, terribly. I’m frightened to death! (G. V): That you will die, or what? (F.P.): Yes!
(G.V.): So, you go to bed and after an hour you wake up with palpitations and a fear of death, is that what happens? (F.P.): Yes.
(G. V.): Every night?
(F.P.): For a long time it was every night, but not now. (G.V.): Are you very jealous in this current relationship? (F.P.): No.
(G. V.): Can you tolerate tight-fitting clothes? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Can you tolerate a belt with no problem? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you salivate while asleep? (F.P.): Yes, sometimes, but not very often. (G.V.): Is there a metallic taste in your mouth? (F.P.): Sometimes. (G.V.): Is your breath offensive? (F.P.): No.
(G. V.): When you wake up frightened, is it always that you fear you will die, or is it as if somebody is coming to get you? (F.P.): It’s always that I think I am going to die, but it doesn’t last very long. Usually I think that it’ll go away again. Sometimes I cry out for my son—I live alone with my son—but he sleeps deeply, so he doesn’t hear me. I cry out anyway. Afterwards I feel better, if only for a very short time. I switch on the light and I get