George Vithoulkas
(G.V.): Was there a great internal conflict around the question of suicide? (F.P.): No.
(G.V.): Just some thoughts? (F.P.): Yes, but only for a very short time. (G.V.): What did you do during the depression? Did you cry? (F.P.): Yes, I cried and I wrote the story of all that had happened in a book.
(G.V.): And did you publish the book? (F.P.): No! It was only for me, as a relief. (G.V.): Do you eat a lot of salt? (F.P.): No, very little. (G.V.): You don’t like salt? (F.P.): I do, yes, but I-(G.V.): Do you eat fruit, do you like fruit? (F.P.): Yes. But I don’t like milk. I haven’t liked it since I was two years old.
(G.V.): Do you eat some things that contain milk? (F.P.): Yoghurt is okay.
(G.V.): Is there anything else that you don’t like? (F.P.): Fat meat, like pork.
(G.V.): Do you like the sun? Do you sit out in the sun? (F.P.): I like the sun very much, but since about two years ago I can no longer tolerate it. It’s terrible for me here because of the sun. I always have to wear a hat or I get a headache at once. After a short period of exposure to sunshine I get a headache and become weak. I used to like the sun, and besides, it’s the best thing for my skin.
(G.V.): When did this aversion to the sun begin? (F.P.): About two years ago, everything all at once. (G.V.): Did they give you Natrum muriaticum? (F.P.): Yes, I got it in a very small dose, D6. (G.V.): Did you receive Ignatia?
(P.P.): Yes, a low potency. I get colds very easily and a little fever two to three times a month. (G.V.): Are you affected by thunderstorms at all?