George Vithoulkas
(F.P.): Yes, but very little and only sometimes. (G.V.): Why did your mother say that it was her fault? Because she married your father who had psoriasis and then she had a child with psoriasis? Is that the reason?
(F.P.): No, she didn’t know that. After I developed the disease it came up that my father had it as well. But he never underwent treatment because it was so slight in his case. (G.V.): After developing psoriasis you began having sleepless nights, or migraines, or pains; can you tell me historically how these developed? Just give me an idea. When you were nine years old you had psoriasis, you were taken to doctors and they gave you creams. You took Cortisone, and then what happened? (F.P.): The next point was when I was seventeen years old and I started developing deformities in my toes and knees. The pain started then, not the deformities.
(G.V.): Was the psoriasis better or was it still very bad? (F.P.): Still very bad and there was pain. I also had pain in my wrist and a hole in the bone. My neck was also damaged. (Therapist): X-rays showed osteoarthritis.
(F.P.): So, chronologically it went like this: at seventeen, first the feet, and then the wrist, and then the neck. (G.V.): Did you take any other medications for this? Did you take pain killers?
(F.P.): Ultra-demoplas® Forte, Cortisone, and later on Voltaren’8. (G.V.): And then what happened? How did it progress? (F.P.): At the age of twenty-four I started treatment in a skin clinic at the seaside—a climate treatment—and from that time on I went every year. My skin was good for three or four months after each treatment. These treatments consisted of light and an anti-psoriatic substance. Later I’d have a setback, but not too bad. I went on that way for years until two years ago when the pains and the psoriasis became bearable. In the meantime, I was in homeopathic treatment because of my bones. My homeopath never treated my skin, he just concentrated on the bone pains. (G.V.): And then you took Sepia and Rhododendron? (P.P.): Yes. And then two years ago I started having migraines.