Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome
(G. V.): Are you afflicted with pain if you have sexual intercourse? (M.P.): No.
(G. V.): And your sexual desire, is it normal or too extreme? (M.P.): No, I think quite normal.
(G.V.): It’s kind of peculiar that after intercourse he does not feel pain, because a surge of blood usually causes him a lot of problems. If this young man said, for instance, that he could not have sexual intercourse because it resulted in tremendous pain and exhaustion, we might begin to think of other remedies with big exhaustion. Some of the Kalis, especially Kali phosphoricum, which shows a complete depletion of energy; Calcarea carbonica and Silicea as well as Kali silicata. A combination of Kali and Sil-icea is indicated in cases where there is a tremendous depletion of energy after sexual intercourse. Pulsatilla is also very often complemented by one of the Kalis.
(G. V.): Do you cover yourself with blankets at night when you sleep?
(M.P.): Yes, but the problem with blankets is that I don’t like to be too warm when I sleep because then I start having pains. Sometimes I don’t wake up until the pain has already begun to get really bad. The problem is that under heavy blankets my whole body heats up and then I have pains in my feet and fingers that can last the whole next day. That’s why I only use thin blankets.
(G.V.): Do you prefer to leave your feet outside the covers? (M.P.): I wear socks at night so I don’t need covers on my feet. If I don’t wear socks, I prefer to leave my feet underneath the covers, otherwise they get ice-cold.