George Vithoulkas
specific information because the patient is under the pressure of the video and the people around.
(M.P.): I sit around the whole day and I can’t do anything. If the
pain gets really bad I start screaming, sometimes I even cry. I
scream because of the pain. When it stops I try to calm myself
down. But there is really nothing that I can do about the pain, I
just have to wait until it stops by itself. I’ve had it so often now
that I know it will eventually stop by itself.
(G.V.): Do you feel a despair so strong sometimes that you just
want to die or do something like jump out of a window—commit
(M.P.): No, nothing like that.
(G.V.): I ask this in order to show you the differential diagnosis. You see how he denies it by saying, »No, nothing like that.«
(M.P.): There was a despair that I have these pains, but now I just feel unhappy about it, unlucky that I have to live with them. But I don’t feel like committing suicide or putting an end to it that way.
(G.V.): Have you ever had that feeling?
(M.P.): No, never, because 1 know it stops and I know that there’s too much yet to go on living for.
(G.V.): Do you like to have someone near you, someone to comfort you or just to talk to you?
(M.P.): Mostly I want to be alone because there is nothing they can do. I like just to be alone because I don’t like to talk all the time. It is just too hard at those times; I just sit there and wait until it goes away. Most of the day I like having someone around, but only when they don’t stres – me or ask me constantly how I’m