
The Celle Seminars_Page 20

George Vithoulkas

nosed as having poliomyelitis, obviously with no residual symptoms. At forty-three, after a time of periodical vomiting and colics, she underwent a cholecystotomy and an appendectomy. At fifty-one, she developed asthmatoid bronchitis after a common cold which eventually turned into asthma. At fifty-two, after menopause, she was diagnosed as having cancer of the uterus. This diagnosis followed a sudden hemorrhage. A hysterectomy and ovarectomy were performed. The patient was supposed to have received chemotherapy or radiation, but instead she came to me. I have treated her for the last five years. During this time, she has not been able to do without anti-asthmatics and anti-epileptics.
There are only a few modalities. She has a strong aversion to meat and fat; she says this was true even as a child. She desires nuts, although she cannot eat them because of her allergy. She also desires fruits and vegetables. As I remember, she had a peculiar dream recently which occurred repeatedly. She was hugging a baby very tenderly and suddenly she started to eat the infant without feeling aggressive or hateful emotions—she ate the child just out of tenderness. For the last two years, she has not been able to sleep well. She cannot fall asleep easily, and she often wakes up again shortly thereafter. I have given the following remedies: In 1984, I only gave the Q-potencies. I gave Arsenicum album and there was a short time of Sepia as well. In February, 1988, she had Natrum muriaticum. In May, 1988, she was given Tartarus stibiatus. In September, 1988,1 gave her Tu-berculinum. had the impression that the best results were seen with this remedy. In December, 1988, she again received Arsenicum album, this time in a higher potency. I did not see any improvement.
(G.V.): How do you feel under this investigation?
(F.P.): Excited. (G. V.): Tense? (F.P.): A little.
(G. V.): Did you finally marry?
(RE): No.