Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome
(M.P.): …a lot of days, maybe even every day, I go to bed at 2:00 a.m., then I only sleep for something like six hours. If I sleep this little over a longer period of time, the pain becomes constantly bad. For five or six days I have pains all day long and I just feel bad. So, I try to go to bed early, around 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. (G. V.): Do you sleep well, through the night, or do you wake up from the pain?
(M.P.): Yes. Normally the pain is better at night, and I fall asleep quite fast. I don’t sleep that deeply. I wake up very quickly if I hear noises in the house or something, but I fall back to asleep again easily.
(G. V.): Do you catch cold easily?
(M.P.): No, normally in the winter and spring I have one or two colds, but I think that is quite normal. With a cold I get fevers, so the pain comes back. All that I can say with certainty is that usually about twice a year I have crises. It is normally three days when the pains are very, very bad, during the night as well as during the day. These crises start suddenly one day and then usu¬ally stop by themselves, for no reason, after three days. (G.V.): Do you call a crisis something that is an aggravation of the situation?
(G.V.): Actually, this information is irrelevant, so let’s move forward.
(G.V.): Are you under stress now because you are being investigated?
(M.P.): Yes, but it’s okay. (G. V): I won’t push you too much. (M.P.): No, no, it’s all right. It’s just switching, and thinking…