George Vithoulkas
pecially when you consider the details. In the course of the interrogation I’m going to try, primarily, to confirm or rule out the possibility of Pulsatilla. In gross pathology like this patient’s, you should search for any peculiarities to guide you. For instance, already we see that he has given some very clear-cut symptoms: better with cold water and worse exertion; this is clear, so you can go with that. Let’s see a bit more:
(G.V.): Would you like to eat more than you do? (M.R): Yes, I’d like to.
(G.V.): But you don’t because you are afraid of the pains? (M.P.): Yes, normally that’s the reason. But I do eat a lot in the morning and in the evening. My appetite is bigger in the morning and evening than at lunchtime. (G.V.): Do you feel better in the evening? (M.R): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you have more energy or less pains or what? (M.P.): I like to get up. If I get up early in the morning, I have more energy to do things until lunchtime, like 11:00 or 12:00 a.m., and in the evening. But in between there is a big lack of energy.
(G.V.): And therefore you have to sleep in the afternoon? (M.P.): I try to avoid it, because if I go to sleep in the afternoon, the pain is worse when I wake up. For that reason, I try and stay awake and do something.
(G.V.): He mentioned another reliable symptom: no rest. We look under Generalities again, this time under sleep, afternoon, aggravates. What do we see there? We have Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Lachesis and Staphisagria. Staphisagria is the main remedy for that rubric, but we also see Pulsatilla, which we have been considering. We also have to look up Eating on page 1357: Eating, after.