George Vithoulkas
legs may be present in adulthood, and priapism has also been reported; episodic diarrhea; chronic bronchitis was described in one case; anemia is probably due to the decreased red blood cells survival; muscle-skeletal system derangements.
(G.V.): This is a rather severe disease that we are dealing with here. The most important thing for you to keep in mind is that this disease is caused by a lack of the A-galactosidase. I’ve never seen a case like this before; I don’t have any experience with such diseases. What can homeopathy do when faced with a genetic defect of this type? We’ll have to wait and see. So far, we know from the information he gave that he is worse from exertion and heat and better when bathing in cold water. Immediately certain remedies with this range of symptomatology come to mind. The first remedy we would think of in this case is Pulsatilla. We go away from exertion aggravates of the Calcareas. The Calcareas are also very easily irritated by exertion, especially Calcarea car-bonica, but we would have to abandon this remedy because amelioration with cold does not fit Calcarea carbonica. The symptom physical exertion, worse also indicates another one of the Calcareas—Calcarea sulphurica—very strongly, with Pulsatilla on the second degree. He says that when his body temperature rises even a little the symptomatology becomes very severe. This clue leads us to the possibility of another remedy, one which is very much better with cold applications: Ledum. Ledum is also indicated in arthritic conditions and arthritic kinds of pain as well as in cases of rheumatic pain where inflammation can be reduced by applying very cold water. The central idea in Ledum is the colder the better. Application of cold brings about the most amelioration with Ledum patients. You will see this in cases of skin eruptions, particularly eczema. In such cases, the only relief to be found for the very inflamed, very irritated, very red skin is with cold compresses, as cold as they can possibly be, even if this means putting ice cubes in the water. But we could also consider Pulsatilla in this case. Why? What elements of the young man’s character have we perceived so far?
(A.2): He’s like a girl.