George Vithoulkas
hausted; his pulse is weak, feeble and fast—a very typical Apis symptom. There is a general tendency towards retention of fluids, especially when there is a simultaneous kidney malfunction.
I don’t know how many cases of gross pathology you may see, but even these cases can be treated with homeopathy. We have not been given the opportunity in hospitals today to handle gross pathology with homeopathy. This lack of opportunity has prevented us from being able to show what homeopathy is truly capable of accomplishing when applied properly. I believe that homeopathy, when applied properly, is much more effective than allopathic drugs, even in cases of gross pathology. But returning to Adonis: you will see exhaustion coupled with restless as well as disturbed sleep with anxious dreams. In order to feel better, Adonis patients must exert themselves slowly, not suddenly. It seems that by trying to move about, by doing something physical, the heart starts functioning better and therefore they feel better. If Adonis were to stay in bed the whole day, he would wake up the next morning feeling completely exhausted; his pulse would be feeble and he would feel restless. When Adonis finally does get going, you’ll see that his activity has a Sepia-like quality. In fact, you might give Sepia first, going on this one indication, or perhaps Pulsatilla or Ferrum. But if you recognize this keynote symptom—worse when rested—you might think to turn towards Adonis. So, despite a general weakness, we see in Adonis a patient who feels worse when lying down, which is a keynote for an Adonis heart condition. It seems that the heart goes into a sort of stalemate, and in this state it needs motion to keep it going. With this heart condition you will often see that the act of lying, or rising, or turning over in bed will cause vertigo.
The Adonis patient will resemble a Pulsatilla patient. He will say, »If I go for a nice walk in the open air I feel better.« You see that the remedies are very close. The important thing is that you comprehend the crux of the matter: gross pathology of the heart with Sepia or Pulsatilla symptoms. You could give the remedy, whether it be Pulsatilla, Ferrum, or Sepia, right away instead of waiting, but a better course of action would be to try and find