George Vithoulkas
someone who wants to get his work done and do the best job possible. Perhaps he drinks coffee in order to get through all his customers. And by the time he finishes with his customers, the headaches start and his blood pressure goes up. I would say that, in this case, we must order him to stop smoking and stop drinking coffee, and to take Kali carbonicum. I would try a low potency again. But since he has not yet tried LM, I would take the suggestion and give him a low LM potency for a while and see how he develops with this remedy after giving up cigarettes and coffee. I believe that his organism will pick up again.
There is the possibility of Lycopodium in this case. We might want to administer it later on as a complementary remedy, but unless you let the first remedy act, you won’t know when the complementary remedy is called for. Nux vomica or Lycopodium are possible complements because of his impotence. Kali carbonicum might not affect his impotence, it might only lead to an increased desire for sweets and this would make his stomach problems worse. If he wakes up very unrefreshed in the morning, we have a picture of Lycopodium and the time has come to give it to him. But in order to see this development, you have to leave the organism alone and not confuse it with any external influences.
(A.6): How long do you expect the patient to-(G.V.): It should be about a month before he will feel a difference in his health. Still, it’s up to him to decide to be careful with his health. He must recognize that his health is now in a precarious state. That’s the time that you have to be very severe. His age, his blood pressure, his constantly congested lungs, his disturbed digestive system, and his hormonal imbalance, all show a deeply rooted problem. I have witnessed this again and again. I have seen patients give up homeopathic treatment because they refused to believe that they could get along without coffee. Some organisms are able to stand the impact of coffee quite a while before they collapse. I’ve only had one such case, a case of terrible sinusitis. The patient took Kali bicbromicum 200 and drank coffee, and after five months he had a relapse. The remedy was im-