
The Celle Seminars_Page 182

George Vithoulkas

was of what had been going on. Nevertheless, it was of the utmost importance that I find out the truth, and that’s why I appealed to him to be honest with me. If coffee was not the antidote, then I would have to search for some other antidotal influence. There are some laws that we cannot get away from because they are simply indisputable. There are various laws in homeopathy that you cannot ignore. These laws are not always easy to perceive, because often patients have been given so many different remedies that, in the end, you don’t know what is going on! But once you know what you are doing, things fall into place and you can see which laws you must follow. Kali carbonicum is a deep, correct, and constitutional remedy for him; therefore, the effect of the treatment has to last at least one year. I could understand if he reported a relapse after a year-and-a-half or two years, because then the remedy might very well have been exhausted. You’ve no doubt heard the expression, »The remedy is exhausted.«
His symptomatology appears more complicated now, so it is difficult to say without a doubt that the remedy is Kali carbonicum. This sort of a hazy diagnostic picture usually comes about when several different remedies have influenced the original symptomatology. In light of this fact, how should we proceed? Remember, this is a case of chronic bronchitis accompanied by bronchial asthma, therefore smoking, let alone heavy smoking, is not allowed. If asked whether I thought that smoking could have antidoted the remedy, I would have to say yes, but not within four or five months; it would take at least a year. And because I know that smoking wouldn’t have had such a rapid effect, it was clear to me that coffee must have been the antidote. If he doesn’t stop smoking and drinking coffee, the organism will be exhausted. Finally, after so many relapses even the correct remedy will no longer be very effective, at least not for very long, because the organism will have been exhausted. Once the organism no longer reacts to the remedy, you will need other remedies to boost it up. This is where you run into problems. You give this remedy and that remedy and you start going around and around