George Vithoulkas
allowed to be in a good mood. He is easily hurt. He has a painful spot in his throat from which his cough originates, especially after he’s talked a lot. He cannot smell anything. That’s all. (G.V.): I only have two questions. First, why do you drink so much coffee? You know that coffee antidotes the remedies, so why do you keep on drinking so much of it? (M.P.): I didn’t think that instant coffee would antidote the remedies.
(G.V.): Instant or not instant, there is caffeine in coffee! If you drink four to five cups of coffee a day—and I understand that you drink six cups—this amount of caffeine will antidote any treatment. Instant coffee is as bad as any other kind of coffee. The second question: As we discussed two years ago in Alonis-sos, you know that with your condition, if you continue to smoke heavily, you will kill yourself. But you still smoke! Why? Once you’ve decided that your health can and must improve, then you have to do two things: stop drinking coffee and stop smoking. That’s all you have to do, I will do everything else. Forget coffee completely! You can drink tea or anything else except coffee, in any form.
(Therapist): He says that he drinks decaffeinated coffee. (G.V.): But if he drinks five or six cups a day that is still quite a lot of caffeine.
(A.l): What about tea? Doesn’t it also contain caffeine?
(G.V.): Yes, both contain caffeine, but from studies on caffeine that we carried out in the congress in Athens, we found the most important thing to be the amount and sort of caffeine that the patient drinks. We came to the conclusion that coffee which has been roasted most probably acquires particular qualities which intensify the action of the caffeine. By the way, the patient we have just seen on video told me outside that coffee actually helps him with his neuralgia; whenever he has a headache or neuralgia, coffee takes his pains away. ) don’t know why this is. I don’t