George Vithoulkas
help. That is the idea of a revolution. In his case the main thing is criticism and confrontation. He would primarily like to confront his father. But we don’t see here the idea of an authority that suppresses others while the patient himself remains untouched. It is not the sort of confrontation that you would expect from a revolutionary who is trying to help the suppressed masses, like you would usually see with Causticum. Lachesis says, »Don’t suppress me otherwise my blood pressure is going to go up. Don’t put anything around my neck! Don’t touch me!« The pressure goes up and up until they have to find a way to blow off steam, and this outlet is often found in talking cruelly to others. Lachesis is a remedy that can hurt other people’s feelings. This is more the idea that I had of him.
(A.28): I imagine that he has a problem with his father on a sexual level as well. You asked him, »Why did you cut your hair like that?« Hair is a sign of sexuality, and he has cut his hair very short. That’s why I thought that perhaps the confrontation with his father was also sexually humiliating for him. Perhaps he developed gynecomastia in order to show his father that he was something different.
(G.V.): Your idea is a little too far-fetched for me to consider seriously. I cannot see how you are justified in saying that the confrontation was within a sexual context.
(A.29): I want to add an idea. I thought about your idea of hate and the combination of hate and aggression and the only physical symptoms—greenish urine and chronical mycosis. Perhaps this all leads to Nitricum acidum.
(G.V.): In order for this to be Nitricum acidum we would also have to see a more prominent anxiety about his situation and his health. Moreover, the sexuality of Nitricum acidum is not very strong. These are people who are too self-centered to be able to give much of themselves; they do not give out, they do not make connections. Besides, Nitricum acidum would also show aggravation upon waking up.