George Vithoulkas
aggressive, he will eventually break down after the aggression has been expressed. This type of thing is a little bit dangerous in situations where you’re not sure of how things will go. Still, I was purposely a bit more aggressive than I usually am, and he attacked back. You wouldn’t expect that from Lycopodium because it is one of the remedies that will show subordination when it feels itself to be in an inferior position. Only if the Lycopodium person feels that he is in a place, a surrounding, where he’s the boss, will he show a lot of aggression and a dictatorial kind of behavior. But once Lycopodium is in a position where he is not the boss, he no longer has any courage. Our patient here was different; he had guts. It’s not usual that you will get the sort of answer he gave to a question like, »Why do you cut your hair like that?« His answer was very aggressive. It’s not that I was insulted or anything, but I have to take into consideration what I see. I am not a wall, but rather a human being who perceives reactions.
(A.25): Could Natrum arsenicatum be such an aggressive type?
(G.V.): Yes, it’s a good thought, but I do not know enough about the psychological make-up of Natrum arsenicatum. To my understanding it does not have this kind of aggression.
It’s interesting that in repertorization of the twenty-two symptoms, Lachesis also appears quite strongly.
(A.26): I doubt from his attitude that he wants to get healthy again. I don’t believe that he wants to be cured of his cancer. I get the feeling that he’s given up somehow. That’s one thing I want to ask you; what do you think the prognosis is? And then the second thing is, what do you think of interferon in terms of the materia medica?
(G.V.): First of all, concerning your remark on whether he wants to get better or not, I also had the same feeling, that’s why I asked him what there is after we die. He answered that he would not keep up a macrobiotic diet and other such things unless he were interested in living. He did not convince me completely. However, when you consider his character and the fact that his character does not admit discipline, and compare this to