George Vithoulkas
even misleading. He also has some Medorrhinum symptoms, which we could not confirm. I would go along with his nature and passions as being like Medorrhinum, but I could not confirm the amelioration in the evening or the amelioration in the sea. I just did not see anything overt, like him being really better at the sea. What really impressed me was his inner state. I believe that his pathology is very much the result of keeping a lot of resentment and hatred inside. Such negative feelings came from having someone try to suppress him, put him down. That is the crux of the matter for me, and therefore my thinking goes towards a remedy that cannot stand pressure. I’m very happy with the prescription of these remedies, but you have to understand that we have to choose the best remedy amongst these, the one which is most appropriate. In homeopathy, especially with difficult cases, you will never have clear cut points which all confirm one remedy. That is very, very rare.
(A.22): Several points impressed me. I looked for physical points in this case because I had the feeling that he was deceiving us. You often tried to break through, but still he managed to cheat most of you, or at least he tried. He didn’t stop trying even at the end. There was a small point, a physical point: he said, »When I drink less I produce a lot of urine.« I found this interesting because he brought it up by himself without having been asked a direct question. Then he said that he changed his hard style of sport for a softer one, and that also impressed me. There were some points that also made me think of a remedy that can’t stand any pressure, and of at least one remedy that tries to escape. I don’t think that he was that aggressive. I think he would rather have tried to escape. It’s not so much a syphilitic aggres-sivity as it is a sycotic phenomenon, which has a tendency to escape. So, I thought of Sepia. I think we should consider the white spots, the fungus infection, because in his family this tendency is widespread; all female individuals have this phenomena. And then I think there is another phenomena: his hormones are not quite in order. Therefore, it must be a remedy that also encompasses these aspects. The gynecomastia is not a sporadic thing;